

Orchestration in Medical Imaging AI: Maximizing Accuracy, Yield and Unexpected Findings

Enthusiasm around AI in healthcare often dims when day-to-day challenges arise. Poor workflow integration, alert fatigue,...

Alex Kane


Assessing the Benefits of AI When Choosing Your Hospital’s Platform Vendor

The Value of Healthcare AI Platforms Healthcare AI platforms are emerging as a unified solution to the challenges posed by...

Alex Kane


Why Radiology Departments Must Insist on AI Platforms

The clinical AI hype has spread like wildfire. The crowd of skeptics have largely converted to believers, and we’ve seen...

Andrew MacLean


The Challenge of Data Deluge: Will AI Sink or Swim?

Patient data is increasingly voluminous in today’s age of digitized healthcare. The problem is this data is often unstructured,...

Aidoc Staff


Changing How Clinicians Work With AI

While bringing AI into the fold can improve workflows, it’s only as effective as the clinicians who use it. Sunil Dadlani,...

Aidoc Staff


AI in Healthcare: The Ultimate Guide

Last modified: May 16, 2024 Over 700 devices are categorized as “artificial intelligence and machine learning enabled medical...

Liz Kah - MD


AI Platform: Pros and Cons

An AI platform – also referred to as an AI operating system – provides a centralized infrastructure that allows for...

Aidoc Staff


Radiology AI Deployment at Scale for Multiple Pathologies

Dr. Dushyant Sahani, Chair of Radiology at University of Washington Medicine, explains the imaging volumes and experience...

Aidoc Staff


What Does AI Look Like in an Enterprise Radiology Workflow?

Dr. Dushyant Sahani, Chair of Radiology at University of Washington Medicine, explains how radiology AI is deployed across...

Aidoc Staff


Why An Enterprise Approach to Healthcare AI is Needed

In a recent webinar about the evolution of AI in radiology, Aidocee Demetri Giannikopoulos discussed the “analysis paralysis”...

Aidoc Staff