A study published in the American Journal of Roentgenology showed how AI assistance can significantly improve iPE detection in chest or abdominal CECT scans without compromising accuracy.
Steven Rothenberg, MD, Assistant Professor of Radiology at University of Alabama at Birmingham, was the senior and corresponding author of the research, which used Aidoc’s iPE solution to identify and triage potential cases in a real-world setting.
Over a two-phase period, over 4,600 scans from adult patients were reviewed. In the first phase, radiologists interpreted scans without AI assistance. In the second phase, they used AI alongside their interpretations.
The results showed that radiologists using AI assistance had a higher sensitivity for iPE detection compared to those without (96.2% vs. 80%). AI alone achieved similar sensitivity (50%) to radiologists alone.
As “The Imaging Wire” stated in reporting on this data: “While studies showing AI’s value to radiologists are commonplace, many of them are performed under controlled conditions that don’t translate to the real world. The current study is significant because it shows that with AI, radiologists can achieve near-perfect detection* of a potentially life-threatening condition without a negative impact on workflow.”
Review additional study findings – including impact on ED turnaround times – and other, similar iPE study highlights in this summary.
* Aidoc iPE algorithm is not intended for diagnostic purposes. Please review the FDA 510(k) summary for more information.
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