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What Does an AI-Powered PERT Workflow Look Like?

As many as 75% of intermediate to high-risk PE patients do not receive Pulmonary Embolism Response Team (PERT) consultation. This means that most of these patients receive standard bedside treatments like anticoagulation, instead of more advanced therapeutic options.  

AI-powered PERT workflows have been shown to reduce patient length of stay and increase the number of PERT consultations by more than 2.5x in spokes and 1.4x in hubs each year. But what does this look like in practice?

In a three-minute clip from a recent webinar, “Real-World Experience and Clinical Outcomes with AI-Driven PERT Workflows,” Aidocee Jake Schauberger provides a high-level overview of how Aidoc’s patient escalation and care coordination tools work.

View the full on-demand webinar to learn how physicians from University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) and Jamaica Hospital Medical Center have operationalized clinical AI to power PERT workflows.

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